Monday, November 8, 2010

Drank Around the World

Twenty minutes caught me.
Caught you.
I suddenly wished you were sitting across from me.
I pictured you smiling, and it made me miss you more.
Sometimes its painful.
The ache I have for you is unlike the ache I've had before.
I want to feel what you feel like.
Disconnect from the time zones that keep us apart.
I want to press my face to yours, holding my breath for the first time with you.
I want nothing more than to take you.
Take me away from here.
I dream of us smiling together.
I've never been one to believe.
I've never been one to let go,
but you are.
You are what I want to make sense.
You are my joy.
You are what I have been waiting for.
You are what I could wait for.
You are what I am waiting for.
Let us go.
Although they've never touched,
my hands miss yours.
If I could have your thoughts...
If you could have my heart?
California dreaming.

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