Saturday, December 12, 2009

"i-run Marathons"

I gave in. I've created a blog. Not too sure what the difference is between a blog and a journal. I'm going to assume there is no difference, seeing as I know how to write a journal entry, although I have a fear that I may begin to write for those that may read this, than for myself.

What if someone came up with a blog/journal idea that required everyone who was placing an entry had to leave every original typo and error in their entry? I've already made so many typing mistakes that I doubt anyone reading it could not have figured it out. God bless Mozilla for correcting all of my misspelled words (didn't realize there was 2 S's in misspelled prior to Mozilla correcting me). Random.

Another random idea. I went jogging earlier this evening, and I came up with a jogger safety equipment idea - For joggers who run in major marathons, one of the marathon rules bans ipods and other Mp3 players, due to most of the runners being unable to hear who/what's behind them. It can get quite dangerous out there. So I came up with an idea: what if Apple or whomever builds Mp3 players, specifically designed for marathon runners, which would set a built in volume control. The runner wouldn't be able to adjust the volume higher than a pre-set decibel, allowing marathon administrators the ability to allow at least that brand of Mp3 players. (We could call it something like 'i-run Marathons.' Cool idea eh?

Other things are on my mind, but don't seem to be appropriate for this blog post.... it seems to be a separate agenda. Not bad for a 1st blog post.

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